Redeeming your cash is easy! You only need a minimum of $21.00 cash balance and a valid PayPal account that you have access to.
If you don't have an active PayPal account, you will need to create one before cashing out. You can create a new PayPal account here.
How to redeem cash:
- Open your Blackjack Royale app
- Swipe to the right twice, or click the bottom right corner to reach your Profile.
- Click Withdraw
- Enter the amount you'd like to withdraw and your valid PayPal email address
- Click Submit
Cash transfers can take up to 14 business days, and you can watch the progress in the Blackjack Royale app in the Order History section of your settings. You can learn how to update your app here.
If you're trying to find out the status of your PayPal cash out, please check out: Where is my PayPal cash?